Butterfly Cupcakes

Morning everyone, hope you’ve all had a good week. It’s been a bit of a manic week for me and my family, to start with – I had an appointment at the dentist on Friday for some treatment I’m having done (I have to go back again in 2 weeks’ time), which I went to only mere hours after I managed to make my toe bleed by accidentally cutting it. Then, later on that day, I found out my old computer that I still have for all my camera work doesn’t function anymore, in fact none of the key’s work, so after 10 years I’m getting rid of it. Then, on Sunday we had to travel back to my hometown to see my Great-Aunt and to sort out the final bits of my Nans inheritance (i.e. halving her jewelry and collecting her photo albums), while it was nice to see my aunt, going back was very difficult as it always brings back very traumatic memories for me, plus it was a very long and hot day which didn’t help. A good thing that did happen though that I’m pleased about – I managed to pass my online English course that I’ve been taking! Anyway lets get on with todays post..

Butterfly Cakes are one of those recipes that always remind me of being a kid! You might have seen these sweet little cakes in a bakery or cafe and noticed that sometimes they’re called Butterfly Cakes and other times they’re called Fairy Cakes. The names are used interchangeably and refer to exactly the same type of cake. A light sponge-like cupcake filled with jam and cream (or buttercream) and then dusted with icing sugar. I remember being young and thinking how magical and cute the little cakes were. Not realising just how easy they were to make, and I’m here to share with you the recipe so you can make and then enjoy your own!

  • 110g Butter, softened
  • 110g Caster Sugar
  • 2 Eggs
  • 1 tsp Vanilla Extract
  • 110g Self-Raising Flour
  • ½ tsp Baking Powder
  • 1 tbsp Milk, plus 2 tbsp if needed, to loosen the buttercream
  • Strawberry Jam (optional)
  • Sprinkles (optional)
  • 300g Icing Sugar
  • 150g Butter, softened
  • 2 tsp Vanilla Paste

These simple Butterfly Cakes are great for a little snack if your feeling a little peckish and an ideal treat to include in a picnic, plus they are sure to become a firm favourite at your next birthday party or afternoon tea.
Thank you for visiting my blog and reading today’s post, If you do decide to make these yummy butterfly cakes, I hope you enjoy them and find them as tasty as I do. For now though, I will see you next week.

3 thoughts on “Butterfly Cupcakes

  1. Yes, yes, yes! The best bit for me is gently removing the tops (or wings as I call them) and using them to scoop up some of the jam and cream before eating 🙂

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