Vegetarian Hawaiian BBQ Poke Bowl with Quorn Pieces

Good morning all, hope everyone’s doing well. It has been a very tiring and chaotic week for us. To start with my dad’s car stopped working for a short time Last Monday but he managed to get it fixed and reworking within a couple of hours, only for it to completely break down on Thursday because the starter motor needed replacing altogether, which wasn’t helpful for Friday as it was in the garage over the weekend and I had a doctor’s appointment that day, but we managed to get to the appointment which was regarding my ongoing shoulder/neck pain, and they’re sending me for another ultrasound to check the lump that’s developed on my neck. Then on Saturday after going into town, I was very poorly (I’m not sure if it was down to some food I’d eaten whilst out), but I was very sick with a really high temperature which wasn’t helped by the hot weather we’re currently having, thankfully I’m feeling better now! And as of Monday we now have our car back which we are so happy about. Speaking of Monday, we took my mum to a chemist to get her ears checked as she has an infection in both of them, but the pharmacist was so rude and abrupt, we left feeling deflated and helpless.

Now onto this weeks post…As its quite warm outside, none of us feel like cooking much, and if your like me and my family, you just want a quick go-to meal that doesn’t take much effort or too much time up in the kitchen – why would you want to be in the hot kitchen, when you could be outside enjoying/soaking up the summer sun? Well, here’s a quick and easy recipe that you can easily adapt to your own preferences to give you an idea!

  • 1 pack Quorn Pieces, chilled
  • 200g Pineapple, diced
  • 100g BBQ Sauce
  • 1 Lime
  • ½ tsp Chili Flakes
  • 1 Drizzle Olive Oil
  • 1 Red Pepper, diced
  • 1 Yellow Pepper, diced
  • 200g Long Grain Rice
  • 1 tbsp. Coriander, chopped
  • 1 Spring Onion, sliced
  • 1 tsp Sesame Seeds

2 thoughts on “Vegetarian Hawaiian BBQ Poke Bowl with Quorn Pieces

  1. Sorry to hear about you and your family’s woes. On a more positive note I’m so excited to try that recipe. I love bbq flavour and pineapple and I’m a big fan of poke bowls. Plus I’m vegetarian too! Thanks for sharing.


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