Maltesers Cupcakes!

Morning all! How was everyone’s weekend? Good hopefully despite all of the devastation in the news regarding whats happening in the world. We had a bit of an emotional start to the week, my mum and I had to attend an important appointment where we had delve a bit into our past which sadly is quite traumatic, but I won’t talk about it any further as it’s in the past now and there’s nothing we can do to change it. Other than that it’s been another busy week, other than various appointments, we’ve had builders outside our back door knocking down some old garages that aren’t in use, so we stayed out of the house most days so we didn’t have to listen to the noise from the demolition. When we were in the house, we sorted through some boxes that we still hadn’t unpacked, and found not only my mums jumpers but a lot of my dads old paperwork that we made him go through and get rid of which seemed never ending (his words) but the good news is, he did manage to throw a bag load away! Anyway let’s move on to today’s post…

As Halloween is coming up, the first thing that comes to my mind is candy, more specifically chocolate, and as I love to bake I thought I would incorporate a chocolate bar into a cupcake and do a recipe that’s easy to do and results in a delicious and yummy treat! And one chocolate that’s a fan favorite in our house is Maltesers, so what a better way to end the day than with a hot drink and a homemade Malteser cupcake! 

For The Cupcakes:
  • 150g Unsalted Butter/Stork
  • 150g Light Brown Sugar
  • 3 Medium Eggs
  • 140g Self Raising Flour
  • 15g Cocoa Powder
  • 25g Malt Powder 
  • 1-3 tbsp Whole Milk
 For The Buttercream:
  • 150g Unsalted Butter
  • 375g Icing Sugar
  • 25g Malt Powder 
  • 1-3 tbsp Whole Milk
For Decoration:
  • Maltesers
  • Crushed Maltesers

For The Cupcakes:

Preheat your oven to 180C/160C Fan, and prep your 12 cupcake cases.

Beat together the butter and sugar until light and fluffy, and then add in the self raising flour, cocoa powder, malt powder and eggs. 

Beat again until smooth, if needed, add the milk to smooth the mixture. Then split the mix evenly between the cases.

Bake in the oven for 18-22 minutes, or until baked. Cool Completely. (Timing may vary depending on the type of oven your using).

For The Buttercream:

Beat the unsalted butter (best at room temp), for a couple of minutes until smooth. 

Add in half of the icing sugar and beat, and then the other half and beat. 

Add in the malt powder again, and beat! If its too thick, add in 1tbsp of whole milk at a time till it becomes pipeable. 

Pipe on the buttercream – Add some Maltesers, and then sprinkle on some crushed Maltesers as well!


Before I say goodbye I also want to wish a Happy Birthday to my Nannie who is sadly no longer with us, I hope she’s resting peacefully in her own personal heaven, and to my Dad whose birthday is tomorrow, we’ve been put through a lot of tough things as a family especially over the last few years and even more so with my health declining, but he’s always been supportive and fighting (alongside my mum) in my corner, and I honestly don’t know how I would’ve coped if I didn’t have him in my life and staying by my side even when I’m nagging him about various things, and as he usually reads this every week, I want to say thank you and Happy Birthday. Love you Dad!

Thank you for visiting my blog and reading today’s post, If you do decide to make these yummy cupcakes, I hope you enjoy them and find them as tasty as I do. For now though, I will see you next week.

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